Making sure your end-of-life wishes are followed no matter where you happen to be is important. If you move to a different state or split your time between one or more states, you should make sure your advance directive is valid in all the states you frequent. Many people think advance Continue reading
Alzheimer’s & Dementia – Choosing The Right Facility
September is World Alzheimer’s Month, so throughout the month, we’re talking about Alzheimer’s & Dementia. Did you know there is a difference between Alzheimer’s and Dementia? A lot of people use these interchangeably but they are actually not the same thing. This is a very important Continue reading
Do I Really Need Long-term Care Insurance?
It’s still Elder Law month, so we are going to talk about another Elder Law related topic. Last week, we talked about Care Giver Agreements, and why you and your parent or elderly loved one should consider having one drafted by a professional before providing care and receiving compensation. Continue reading